15 Saralanj str., Berd city
People interest: 0
Tavush region, RA
Berd Museum of History and Life presents historical, archaeological and ethnographic materials relating to the past and present of our city. Here are the spiritual and material culture of the Tavush region, farming, cattle breeding, crafts, etc. This includes descriptions, manuscripts and gospels. The galleries and showcases of the museum reflect our life, traditions and rituals unique to our region.
Currently, the museum is a favorite place for residents and guests of our remote highlands, where many cultural events are held. The number of visitors has increased by members of the military unit located in the region, as well as tourists from far and near diaspora.
Recently, numerous and temporary exhibitions have been organized, the number of collections has increased, and in 2017, a collection of about 800 historical and archaeological materials was transferred to the museum in Dilijan. A special place in the museum is occupied by materials related to World War II and the Artsakh Liberation War.
Admission to the museum is free.
BERD CITY | (+374) 94 81-62-57 | TUE-SUN 10։00 - 18։00 |
Museums & Art galleries
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